Intimate and Affectionate Dining Atmospheres with Curved Banquette Seating Ideas

Having banquette setting ideas in your home interior seems a great idea since you can get a joyful dining nuance in more pleasant and comfortable way. For this reason, I’ll share you some interesting banquette setting ideas that will stun you; that is by presenting sophisticated curved banquette seating.

A curved banquette seating idea is a way to get more inviting and intimate atmosphere in dining space as the member of family can talk and interact one to another easily in a circle arrangement. Thus, it is recommended for you to decorate a round table as an additional feature of this curved banquette seating.

For the bench, you can give a choice on a curved banquette sofa which is so fashionable and classy. As your reference, you can pick a tufted sofa as it will show you a comfy and glamorous outlook to the banquette decoration. Decorating several decorative cushions on the sofa also certainly beautifies the banquette seating.

The additional chairs in banquette setting ideas are also necessary to provide extra seating place for the family. You can pick it in the same color scheme with the bench or you can give an extra accent by choosing different color of chairs.

As mentioned before, a round table is very suitable with the ideas of curved banquette seating. Therefore, you can present a round table from wooden or glass top round table. If you want to present something luxury, a marble round table is the best choice for you. Decorate a beautiful flower vase to give fresh visualization to the banquette seating.

The lighting is also important to be presented in curved banquette seating. Thus, you can display a pendant lamp with cool accent. For dramatic and romantic nuance, you can hang a chandelier on the ceiling.


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