Compact Design of Garden Window for Kitchen

You may never know that a kitchen can have a small garden window. This kitchen design is mostly used by rich people who has large kitchen design. The function of this garden window is to decorate the room so that it is not too stiff and it will look so natural for kitchen decoration. How does actually this concept look like?

In order to build such garden window, you do not need to use larger window, you just need the simplest one. In making this garden window, you just need to make a mounted window. So, it will create a space like a small porch. We can see the sample in the picture, there is a nice small garden window which has wooden frame painted in white accent. This garden window also has glass wall and glass ceiling concept so that the sunlight can come into the room. What you can put on this garden window? Just like the common garden, you decorate it with some plants. You can put some alive plants which are placed on some vases.

In order to place the plants, you do not need to use the big plants, just use the small plants such as flowers. The best place to build this garden window is behind the kitchen sink. On this garden window, you can put other accessories like your favorite decoration, everything that can decorate the room. You may also build a garden window with double levels. You just need to add another slot at the middle of the window. This adorable simple garden is kind of good idea to decorate the kitchen. You can make it by yourself though.


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