Simple Shampoo Rack for Shower

Surely it will not flexible when you take a bath in your shower and you need to go to your cabinet to get soap or shampoo. It is not common thing anymore that you need simple rack inside your shower area. Shampoo rack is required thing to have in shower space. The rack is not only useful for shampoo, but also for other bathroom stuffs like soap, tooth paste, and tooth brush. You can choose these two types of shower racks.

First one is wall mounted shampoo racks. This kind of shampoo rack is attached to your shower wall, it may only available for two or three bathroom stuffs. You can change the rack with niches on your shower wall, so you may have more capacity. Next type is shower rack or shelf. You need to buy this kind of rack then install it manually to your shower wall and the best spot to install it is located at the corner of your shower wall.

If you have much family member, you need to install more shampoo rack to provide each family member stuffs good storage. If you use shampoo rack or shelf, you need to have shampoo rack with three or four layer. Some shampoo rack is designed with rack door, so you don’t have to worry about dirty soap or tooth brush.

Don’t put your simple shampoo rack for shower at the same corner side of your shower, it is better to have it at the opposite corner. The purpose is about avoiding your chemical stuffs from hot water which is splashed when you take a bath.


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