Adorable Simple Design of Wood Filing Cabinet

Do you need more furniture for your home decoration? if the writer may suggest, the writer will suggest a cabinet for additional furniture. There are so many cabinet design that can be applied to decorate your home. In this case, the writer would like to discuss about wood filing cabinet with various design.

Let us go to the first sample of wood filing cabinet. This cabinet has very nice coloring concept which is black color. You can see it in the picture where a cabinet made of wood with big drawer concept and has four small legs. This is kind of small cabinet for living room furniture. This cabinet can also be used for placing some stuffs on the top of the cabinet. The other wood filing cabinet has higher design with four drawers concept. This cabinet is for placing your clothes and this is kind of bedroom furniture.

There is also another small wooden cabinet with white colorng. This cabinet is small and has only two drawers anyway. This cabinet can be a storage for your stuffs. Since, this is a small and shorter so you can put something on the top of the cabinet like a telephone, books, and etc. There is other cabinet with wonderful wooden concept with double function. Why is it called double function? Because instead of cabinet, it also has a bookshelf design. so, at the bottom is the cabinet design, white on the top there is a bookshelf.

For those cabinets, you may choose your favorite color. For example, you may prefer the old brown color or you may like the original wooden coloring with young brown concept. Most of those cabinets use the concept of drawer. Those cabinets can be storage for your stuffs, every stuff you have can be put there.


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